Sunday, March 20, 2011

Tied to me

Throw down a rope, a sturdy rope that can hold this reckless hope. Tonight you shine like no other. Tonight I want to be tied to you. I would bend to unload the burden, to hide from your innocent eyes the many evils with which I near you. Blistering hands hold the line that connect me to you. But then again, you know. Dearest sombre man of many moons, throw down a rope that can save this humble heart. That can lift the adventurous out of these lands of waste.

I want to be changed from the shadow in the tune.
Like water rushing over us, the tide pulls from the moon.

Your endless dark, scare only the weak. May those who stood out of line learn that the only way to know the truth is through your constant star. I boast no particular talent, yet the beam I feel upon my fair skin in the darkest night teaches me to see. Then those who wait far behind have a guiding light. I now know how to secure my life to your pull. How to soak in your light. How to pass on the teachings of your many visits to our lively scenery. The rope lays still untied.

I call this my garden, where sweet, reckless hope resides. Hope, that floats until it find its anchor. Day and night, labouring to harness this fickle notion. The moon stays unmoved, only heeding to the call of the tide. Then it moves and with it, you and I grab the rope to be near. In the vicinity of the magnificent barren landscape. No other force has such pull. No other force can sway masses of water out of its bed. Then you and I move with the swaying of the moon. When I find the dangling knot, I clench my useless fingers around it and wish to be pulled ever nearer to my sweet, reckless hope. Ever farther from you.

Tame these weights my master of astrology. Tame them so I can be pulled, away, to you. There are many hearts beside mine that wait for the waters to quiet, for the rope to appear. Time nears but the particulars fade. Once they have faded I no longer know how to carry you home. The glowing moon shines like any bright sun. Tonight it shines brighter than ever before. So thrown down a rope, for we want to escape. Escape the burden we have been laden with. And then stay tied to me so I can float above the land I once loved. Sail me around the parts I have missed, but never let me untie myself from the journey I now willingly undertake for an eternity. You and I, my constant moon, we shall see the good and bad and learn from each wicked heart the truths about the human spirit. Then you and I, my constant moon, we will call for the end. With bleeding hearts we will quit our travels and stay forever tied in the ether.

Then and only then can you stop your pull.
Then and only then can you part with the tide.

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