Wednesday, February 21, 2007

They Float Through The Air With The Greatest Of Ease

Her songs that is. Her new songs. Patty Griffin’s new album. I know I talk about this all the time, but if in the years to come I am to ever have the determination and courage to create anything, I would wish to bring to my audience what Patty Griffin’s songs mean to me. The same level of intimacy, of excitement, of endearment. How can her songs mean the same thing to someone else they mean to me? These words I feel speak only to me, that what she describes and wraps in music can only touch my heart so abundantly. She sings of loneliness, of yearning, of hope and then of hopelessness. She strums the chords along to her coming undone. There is harmony is desperation. How can so much talent fit into her wooden box?

Her stories propel me onto a path of self discovery. I am more me because of what she sings. I am encouraged to sit here and type, to write down my deepest and darkest secrets, to admit to the loneliness creeping, to face the lovelessness haunting, to tackle the desperation that lurks at each end of the day. One carefully placed perfect word shakes me to my core. Beyond belief I let myself be sucked in by the mystical tales of another woman from another country, a different world, a much wiser and more talented dream. It would seem pointless to disobey or even disregard. Let the voice wrap my fears around me from the outside, make them more visible than ever. Let me see where I fall short of the glory. I might learn to make myself better and stronger, so much more willing to admit to defeat and insignificance. Compared to such talent, I am a mere impostor. I need to let humility take lead.

My world would be less if I did not know the magnificent art of Patty Griffin. I would be less and there would have been many writings unwritten, stuck at the bottom of me were it not for the tender words of Patty Griffin. Because she lets you come undone, to fall to a million pieces whilst you listen to her fragile songs. She will lay you down, prepare a resting place so magical, so soft, that you slowly rest your weary body into that cushioned haven. Then just before you close your eyes to velvet slumber, she will wake the dormant spirit in you. She will sing with all her might so you catch your breath and hold your head in growing strength. She will not stop till you are standing on your own two feet. Ready to meet the vice, the unforgiving reality that now can be endured just because you are armed with the most tender Patty songs.

Then you see that there is power in frailty.
Such power.
Endless strength in honesty.
Such glowing strength.
Passion in admittance.
Such withstanding passion.
Then you see that there is love in every broken moment.
Such unparalleled love for one another.

Then you will see that what we are, are just simple outlines of lives lived once before. And then you will see that every part is a part of truth.

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