The secret life of words
Who doesn’t want to be alone? Who doesn’t want to be left alone? Who isn’t bothered by the evils of this rotten world? Who doesn’t want to shut the outside world far far away so it can never creep its way back to the endless days? Who doesn’t hope someone will take care of them? Who doesn’t hope the end would come just a little bit more mercifully? Who doesn’t want to change sorrow for joy? Who doesn’t believe that to survive, the humane has to override the vice? Who doesn’t want to have beautiful white wings to fly away from the pain? Who doesn’t want a life that can be lived a whole new way? Who doesn’t cry with the ones that cannot smile? Who doesn’t feel their souls torn when brokenness rises to the surface? Who doesn’t want to reach out when there’s someone who needs a tender touch? Who doesn’t want to feel the sun drying their tear-ridden cheeks? Who doesn’t want to forget? Who doesn’t want to live? Who doesn’t want to love? Who doesn’t want to understand the silent? Who doesn’t want to listen when that’s the only way they can help? Who doesn’t want to leave everything behind when there’s nothing left to live for? Who doesn’t want hope? Who doesn’t want the time to never just pass but be filled with meaning? Who doesn’t want to stop the hurting of those they love? Who doesn’t want to hold the dry and fragile hands of the other who needs protection? Who doesn’t want to feel? Who doesn’t want to erase the past when the past is pain? Who doesn’t want to? Who wants to? Who wants to love? Who wants to hope? Who wants to glue every broken part of their soul back into one whole shape? Love. Hope. Secret. Darkness. Silence. Tear. Pain.
I’m hoping someone would take care of me, When I die, will I go?
1 comment:
csak azt akarom mondani, hogy olvastam, és hogy mindig megdöbbenek, milyen sötét gondolataid vannak. Remélem, ez is csak afféle írói szerepvállalás ,nem realitás. Mindenki azt akarja, hogy szeressék, és mindenkit szeret valaki. Téged sokan. Én is. Nagyon.
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