When was the last time you went to the cinema and the first person to leave stood up when the gaffer’s name appeared in the end credits? None of them stirred. For how could they when humanity was depicted on the screen in the most unspeakable way. Silence hung in the auditorium and nobody dared to speak. All their faults, all their lies and their unwillingness to acknowledge hung on the big screen in front of them. In front of me. Every person we ever turned our backs to came rushing forward in our memories. Every child that we saw pictured abandoned by love, hope and peace floated in our minds’ eye. Everything that we hold dear left us. Everything that we knew to be right fooled us.
Sitting and wishing for a perfect end was not what I caught myself doing. The problems apparent in societies that are tortured by the developed world should not be new to any learned man. Corruption, exploitation, killing, feeding the lust for violence is all that we know too well to teach the innocent and humble. Destroying their cultures and hierarchies, their customs and their ways of dealing with sorrow, death, love, life, children is all we ever showed them of our perfect civilization. I am to blame because I stay silent. I am to blame because I go on worrying about myself. I am to blame because I see the black end of the endless road and keep it a secret. But that piece of metal that is blindly and wrongly and willingly thrust into any part of the body silences those who stand up and YELL. But fear does not paralyse the good ones. Those with a mission and heart will never be made to sit back and watch the terror unfold.
War on terror? This is terror. Children running scared from their countrymen who are out to steal, kill, rape, capture IS terror. Women who are given drugs to help battle deadly diseases that kill them in the end IS terror. Multi national corporate hell bound companies giving free medicine to the needy, which they know will wipe them out IS terror. Seeing your helpless flesh and blood take another pill of poison IS terror. Nobody is out to get these terrorists. Nobody dares to speak up and unveil because these terrorists don’t fly planes into heartless objects, they kill only and ONLY your own. If this isn’t, then what is terror? There is no war being fought where the money keeps rolling in. There will never be a war fought for those who are bound by severe illnesses. There is no hope, there is no cure, there is no peace and there is no salvation for any of us, for we are doomed to burn in hell.
I wish I could promise you a beautiful world, my unborn child. But this is all we’ve got: this world, where half of us have no voice, where half of us don’t count. There is no beauty in this world, at least not reflected in humans. I wish I could see where it all would end, but the ties get twisted more and more. Something that is far away seems unable to effect us. Something that happens to others we know nothing of seems to escape us. Africa never touches our hearts. Africa never has a face. Drugs cure. Drugs never kill. Drugs work and Africa will be saved, but Africa stays in the shadows of giants who want to sell, buy, live, torture and feed the need to kill.
I wish I could promise you a beautiful world, my unborn child but the world is dying because there is nobody loud enough to shout STOP!
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