If I tell you about my journey, about the frightening lows and enchanting heights, the open bridges, the cliffs hanging upside down, the colourless autumn and the warmest winter, would you blink and turn away? Could you hold your disbelief? For I do walk the paths, revealing magic, evolving dreams, every single second. If huts of gold, giants of tender hearts, mice of feeble nobility, lions of virtue and children with unparalleled grasps of reality do not shake your disbelief, then let me assure you that my companions along the way are all noble hearted and kind, kindred spirits, who show love the way I could never imagine. I sway with the trees, not when they are naked and void of dignity, but when they are covered in luscious green leafs of oceanic magnitude. And never do I feel lost. You cannot make me feel at unease because you, I cannot see.
There are times I wish for kind magic. I would use it wisely and only to conjure those whom my heart yearns for so dearly. Some gone, some disappeared, some out of sight, some just hiding from the very moment Honesty and Truth will take over these lands. Nothing could be sweeter than the anticipated reunion. When spring meets winter. When silently summer slips into autumn. When the cold gives way to warm, bowing with might in righteous confidence that the tables will turn and in time the warm days will heed to the bitter cold. One beast cannot have two masters, therefore they take turns. My journey is still joyous and the more love filled because of the changes I witness day in day out. If I confessed to wishing for more gentleness, would you smirk and with a shudder walk away?
I hear whispers all around. Feet shuffling, leaves rustling. A path guarded both sides by loyal followers. My friends, companions, well wishers, partners in the grandest adventures. Every single breath they keep from causing a thunderous noise, every glance they direct towards me, every movement that gestures me to continue walking down the guarded pathway and with every step taken towards the warm, fuzzy, familiar unknown, these guardian angels of mine encourage me to say out loud to you: take my hand, take my whole life too.
With that confession, with that plea, I leave my heart and soul vulnerably susceptible, unshielded from attack. But honest. Doomed for a bloody downfall, but true to my heart. And those around me, loyal and loving friends, will witness in slow motion the end of a hopeful moment, the surrender of my willing soul, my heart’s painful journey to loneliness: if you won’t take my hand, if you will never care for my life. Smiling, I’ll retreat, back to where I know I’m safe. And I’ll keep breathing, walking, seeing the magnificent beauty in the world around me. The seasons, the buildings, the mountains and rivers, the people who I know and the ones I’m yet to meet. Love will lie low, but perhaps on an unimaginable sunny, winter day, it’ll capture my heart completely. Just by surprise it’ll hold me captive ‘til my dying days.