Tuesday, December 18, 2007

just a lost wordsmith

I make no effort to decorate my words with elaborate ornaments. I keep them simple and safe. Try to bow to them or make heed for a force that is sometimes beyond me. But there is always relief in the proximity of emotion that raptures the heart on creating, reading or just being. For a moment all stands still. Every nook, every corner of the world, every little breath, every silent step. Greatness then pounds my luckless talent into the ground. No vain attempts will be tolerated when time is so precious and life so short and love so bound by selfish creed. And I try to draw away from the light that tickles my curious whiskers and lures me ever closer to its deadly centre. Warm turns burning hot and cold holds ice its prisoner. Captive.

Pearls roll down the hill. One by one. Fast as winds that blow across fields of wheat. Golden fields of lustrous grain. Gazing eyes fixated on the eternal kingdom of clouds. Could there be a way higher? The rain appears and with a power so mighty dries the soaked land and leaves the drenched shrubs only cracking soil. Walk a bridge a thousand miles and free the mind of deadly greed. The soul whole and hearty, all the marred parts cleared by imagination and love. So fast does guilt run and so slow does forgiveness arrive. When waiting for the pure intention to appear a lifetime tastes what eternity must feel like. No odour or sight, no ruffling sound just two weary hands reaching for a higher ground. Closing in.

Summer may leave and behind comes a palette of magnificent colours, but longing can never replace the abundant love that surrounds us each night. Every whispered word may stand as a testament to the most fragile bond between woman and man. I keep my weight off it and you should think to release it. Never mind what the branches whisper, they only know the sweetness of your eyes and not the hurtful words that you pick so carefully to fire. The peaks melt their snow. Rivers tumble to lakes and plains. Rocks carve the back of the mountain. Torture. And they never complain. How can meeting hearts cause so much pain? The spark never arrives.

What more to say when the hearts love and leave lonely. When the lovely love betrays every secret word. When the world takes no heed of your pain. When the rain starts to fall on the
leaves and taps its lovely melody to all who have the ears to hear. Hush now, it’s starting. Listen. Love. Learn.